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The Impact of Coronavirus: Looking Covid-19 in A Different Perspective

The Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic was first reported in Wuhan China on November 2019. Although the disease experts are yet to agree the exact location where the patient zero contracted the virus from, a wet animal market from WUHAN China is where all experts are suspecting the virus jumped from an animal to human beings. Since then the virus spread throughout the world causing thousands of deaths, worldwide lockdown and global economic recession.

You already know the problems and effects that Coronavirus caused in our lives, however, in this article, I want to highlight different angles that you might need to know about Covid-19.

Preparedness: The scientists and viral diseases experts have been warning the world to be ready for possible highly contagion outbreaks sooner or later. While we, the mankind, were busy on trade, military expansion and other matters, no one cared to listen the message of those trying to warn us. After the outbreak, we have seen how fragile we are, even the superpowers of the world have no capacity to contain and curb the spread of the disease. Due to the lack of preparedness, we lost thousands of loved ones and millions are infected by the diseases.

The Media Syndrome: almost everyone on this globe is feeling fear from the bottom of their heart. Right? HIV Aids, Cancer, Road accidents, Poverty and hunger are more deadly than the Coronavirus. But Why No one is caring those killer diseases? Now you know the reason. It’s the mainstream media that is influencing our thinking. Here are few examples: According to WHO 1.8 Million deaths caused by Smoking this year, did you hear that from the Media? 360,000 people have died for Malaria this year. There are 2.9 Million deaths caused by Cancer this year! 2.7 Million Children under the age of 5 have died only this year (Hunger is the main cause). Should we worry about Covid-19 or we have major killer diseases are out there that need our attention?  

Environment: The lock-down, quarantine and people staying at home has a positive impact on the environment. It seems Covid-19 is disease Mother Nature intended to turn its wheels to make sure we have healthy and beautiful environment. Many high rise buildings, mountains and other views hidden by pollution are now back to view.

Human Birth Rate:  We know that Covid-19 disease killed close to 300,000 People so far, however, it’s good to know that as of this date, there are 50 Million new births this year. Due to the stay at home policy, more birth is expected this year. For example, Only in India this year it’s expected 20 million babies. Although the loss of jobs and economy recovery will be difficult, human birth rate is expected to flourish.

Things we used for granted: There are a lot of things we used to take for granted, handshaking, hugs, socializing and meeting with family and friends are the most important things we took for granted and currently it’s those things we miss the most.

Sanitation: After the Covid-19 disease outbreak, Sanitary-ware the most used products all over the globe. Sanitation is the most important thing that keeps us safe from viruses. Outlets, Shops and the entrance of every building has sanitizers and hand washing kits everywhere in the world. We urge this practice to be continued after this disease is over.

Wildlife: Since all human beings are locked in their homes, the wildlife animals seemed to have missed us. Animals have been spotted roaming around big cities in the world like Japan, Thailand, Russia and India. When the animals missed us, they took their turn to visit us in our cities.

Written By AL


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